Lumen vangit 

tiistaina, joulukuuta 09, 2003

Täällä ei ole lumesta enää paljon jälkeäkään. Antilla Bostonissa on sen sijaan hankalampaa. Autoja on juuttuneena lumeen miltei kattoaan myöten ja NY Times totesi eilen Antin kotikaupunginosan tilanteesta seuraavaa:
They may "pahk the cah" in Boston, but they dig it out just like everyone else. [...] In the Brighton neighborhood of Boston, cold, exasperated residents spent hours unearthing their cars from snowdrifts that stood higher than most people. Others walked in the brown, slushy streets or trekked through semi-shoveled sidewalks on their way to convenience stores, coffee shops and bars seeking respite from cabin fever. Groups of neighbors could be seen having what they called "shovel parties," where everyone pitches in to dig out cars.

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